

Billie Eilish

Thought I found a way

Thought I found a way out (found)

But you never go away (never go away)

So I guess I gotta stay now

Oh, I hope some day I’ll make it out of here

Even if it takes all night or a hundred years

Need a place to hide, but I can’t find one near

Wanna feel alive, outside I can’t fight my fear

Isn’t it lovely, all alone

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone

Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

Hello, welcome home

Walkin’ out of town

Lookin’ for a better place (lookin’ for a better place)

Something’s on my mind

Always in my headspace

But I know someday I’ll make it out of here

Even if it takes all night or a hundred years

Need a place to hide, but I can’t find one near

Wanna feel alive, outside I can’t fight my fear

Isn’t it lovely, all alone

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone

Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

Hello, welcome home

Hello, welcome home



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