Hold On – Justin Bieber


Justin Bieber

You know you can call me if you need someone
I’ll pick up the pieces if you come undone

Painting stars up on your ceiling
‘Cause you wish that you could find some feeling, yeah, you
You know you can call me if you need someone

I need you to hold on
Heaven is a place not too far away
We all know I should be the one to say
we all make mistakes
Take my hand and hold on
Tell me everything that you need to say
‘Cause I know how it feels to be someone
Feels to be someone who loses their way

You’re looking for answers in a place unknown
You need the connection but you can’t get close

Painting stars up on your ceiling
‘Cause you wish that you could find some feeling, yeah, you
You know you can call me if you need someone

I need you to hold on
Heaven is a place not too far away
We all know I should be the one to say
we all make mistakes
Take my hand and hold on
Tell me everything that you need to say
‘Cause I know how it feels to be someone
Feels to be someone who loses their way

Midnight till morning, call if you need somebody
I will be there for you
Midnight till morning, call if you need somebody
I will be there for you

I need you to hold on
Heaven is a place not too far away
We all know I should be the one to say
we all make mistakes
Take my hand and hold on
Tell me everything that you need to say
‘Cause I know how it feels to be someone
Feels to be someone who loses their way

Midnight till morning, call if you need somebody
I will be there for you
Midnight till morning, call if you need somebody
I will be there for you

Hold On – Justin Bieber



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