Slowly Slipping Away


Harem Scarem

There’s a burning question in my heart

I see the answer in your eyes

An uneasy feeling without you

There’s only peace by your side

Our hearts survive the cold world outside

Somehow this love keeps us alive

I feel it in the morning

I feel it all through the day

I feel the heartache slowly slipping away

Slowly slipping away

We’ve had our share of confusion

We’ve been let down so many times before

But what we’ve found is a real love

No need so search anymore – no

Somehow we weather the storms in our lives

This love has never been a lie

I feel it in the morning

I feel it all through the day

I feel the heartache slowly slipping away

Slowly slipping away

We will survive the cold world outside

Somehow this love keeps us alive

I feel it in the morning

I feel it all through the day

I feel the heartache slowly slipping away

Slowly slipping away


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