Don’t Leave Me Alone



Now’s not the time to say goodbye
And I’m not the kind to question why
Well I don’t feel very well, and it’s getting cold as hell
It won’t be the same, can’t you tell?

Don’t leave me alone
Don’t leave me on my own
I’m so afraid
Why can’t you stay?
Just don’t leave me alone
How long will my song be wrong?

Doing the things I should have known
Only to reap what I have sown
Jesus, please

Don’t leave me alone
Don’t leave me on my own
I’m on my knees
Forgive me please
Just don’t leave me alone
How long will my song be wrong?

(Keyboard solo)

Don’t leave me alone
Don’t leave me on my own
I’m so afraid
Why can’t you stay?
Just don’t leave, don’t leave… me alone
How long will my song… be… wrong?


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