

Sleeping At Last

When will I feel this

As vivid as it truly is

Fall in love in a single touch

And fall apart when it hurts too much?

Can we skip past near-death clichés

Where my heart restarts, as my life replays?

All I want is to flip a switch

Before something breaks that cannot be fixed

I know, I know the sirens sound

Just before the walls come down

Pain is a well-intentioned weatherman

Predicting God as best he can

But God I want to feel again

Rain or shine, I don’t feel a thing

Just some information upon my skin

I miss the subtle aches when the weather changed

The barometric pressure we always blamed

All I want is to flip a switch

Before something breaks that cannot be fixed

Invisible machinery

These moving parts inside of me

Well, they’ve been shutting down for quite some time

Leaving only rust behind

Well, I know, I know the sirens sound

Just before the walls come down

Pain is a well-intentioned weatherman

Predicting God as best he can

But God, I want to feel again

Oh God, I want to feel again

Down my arms, a thousand satellites

Suddenly discover signs of life


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