Exclusivo: Veja a letra do novo single de Marieme com Trevor Hall, “2 Oceans”
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– Exclusivo: Veja a letra do novo single de Marieme com Trevor Hall, “2 Oceans”
Com excluvidade no Vagalume, Marieme mostra a letra de “2 Oceans”. A artista falou sobre o tema de sua nova música: “É sempre sobre amor, ‘2 Oceans’ é sobre como chegar lá, como encontrar equilíbrio neste mundo louco onde se você se concentrar nas coisas que não pode controlar, você se afogará”.
Veja a letra de “2 Oceans (Ft. Trevor Hall)“:
“2 Oceans”
Swimming in 2 oceans
All that emotion
Drowning to survive
The tides inside my mind
My hands are reaching out
How can I speak about
(Oh oh)
Waves crashing on my body
I shiver from that cold cold world
That old world
You’ll never survive
If you don’t try
To calm the waters on the inside
On the inside you’re the moonlight
On the outside gotta hold tight
Let the storm pass yeah
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
(Ooh ooh ooh)
I’m challenged
I try
To shift the currents of my mind oh
Don’t suffer with the times
Don’t settle for this cruel cruel world
This old world
You’ll never survive
If you don’t try
To calm the waters on the inside
On the inside you’re the moonlight
On the outside gotta hold tight
Let the storm pass
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
(then you’ll walk upon the water)
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
(then you’ll walk upon the water)
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
Then you’ll walk on water
(then you’ll walk upon the water)
Then you’ll walk on water
Swimming in 2 oceans
Then you’ll walk on water
How can I speak about it
Then you’ll walk on water
How can I speak about it
Then you’ll walk on water
When I’m drowning to survive oh
Then you’ll walk on water
The tides inside my mind
Exclusivo: Veja a letra do novo single de Marieme com Trevor Hall, “2 Oceans”.

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