Too Darn Hot


Ella Fitzgerald

It’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

I’d like to sup with my baby tonight

Refill the cup with my baby tonight

I’d like to sup with my baby tonight

Refill the cup with my baby tonight

But I ain’t up to my baby tonight

‘Cause it’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

I’d like to coo with my baby tonight

And pitch the woo with my baby tonight

I’d like to coo with my baby tonight

And pitch the woo with my baby tonight

But brother you’ll fight my baby tonight

‘Cause it’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

According to the Kinsey Report

Ev’ry average man you know

Much prefers his lovey dovey to court

When the temperature is low

But when the thermometer goes ‘way up

And the weather is sizzling hot

Mr Pants

For romance

Is not

‘Cause it’s too, too

Too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

I’d like to coo with my baby tonight

And pitch the woo with my baby tonight

I’d like to coo with my baby tonight

And pitch the woo with my baby tonight

But brother you’ll fight my baby tonight

‘Cause it’s too darn hot

According to the Kinsey Report

Ev’ry average man you know

Much prefers his lovey dovey to court

When the temperature is low

But when the thermometer goes ‘way up

And the weather is sizzling hot

Mister Gob

For his squad

A marine

For his queen


For his cutey-pie

Is not

‘Cause it’s too, too

Too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot

It’s too darn hot


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